Black Love & Inspiration for Saved Singles
BLISSforSingles, stranger session photoshoot, Demarcus Joseph Photography
Singleness & Dating

Pose & Tell: what it’s really like to be in a stranger session photoshoot

I haven’t heard of stranger session photoshoots until this year, but it’s been a hit online that’s bringing singles together and out of their comfort zone. Essentially, you agree to participate in a photoshoot with someone you most likely haven’t met before, and then pose together as a couple.

This is different from your normal blind date idea, but hey—why not give it a try? I got a chance to learn one single woman’s experience from her recent stranger session photoshoot and if she would recommend it for others. Let’s get to know Nakia’s W.’s experience:

BLISS: How did you learn about the stranger session photoshoot?

Nakia: “The photographer for the stranger session photoshoot is an acquaintance of mine. He made a post asking one single man and woman to inbox him and immediately I knew what it was about. I messaged him to see if my suspicions were correct—and they were—so I decided to participate.”

BLISS: What made you decide that you would participate in the stranger session?

N: “I had been seeing the stranger sessions show up on social media and thought it was an interesting and exciting concept. Seeing the follow-up stories detail the progression of strangers to couple low-key seemed promising to me. I’m single and open to dating, so I thought why not give it a try? What would I have to lose?”

Stranger session photography, blind date photography

BLISS: Was the photoshoot set up like a blind date or more focused as a photoshoot with a stranger?

N: “It was definitely set up more as a photoshoot with a stranger. Aside from not having met and not knowing anything about each other beforehand, there wasn’t anything about the photoshoot that screamed ‘blind date.’”

BLISS: What were your initial thoughts at the start of the session? What did you think when the session ended?

N: “Prior to the session, I was a little nervous. I am also more introverted in new situations with new people, so I was determined to be more engaging, given the situation I was volunteering myself for. At the start of the session, I wasn’t nervous and my focus was on making him feel comfortable and being engaging in order to eliminate the awkward component.

By the end of the session, I was excited and anticipating seeing the final pictures, but that was it really. A lot of people commented on our photos and acknowledged the chemistry they saw, but in reality, there really wasn’t any. We exchanged information, but that fell flat immediately.”

BLISS: Often couples in these shoots get extra close. Were you nervous at all about being close to someone you haven’t met before? What were the safety precautions in light of covid-19?

N: “No I wasn’t nervous to be close. I knew that closeness wouldn’t be taking any extreme turns as I have seen some others do and we talked briefly about levels of comfortability beforehand. I wasn’t nervous being close to a stranger either; maybe it helped that I thought he was attractive. Our photoshoot took place outside, but other than that, we didn’t take any COVID precautions.”

Stranger session photography, blind date photoshoot, blind date photography

BLISS: Would you recommend for other single/unmarried people to sign up for a stranger session photoshoot?

N: “Absolutely. It is 2020 and methods to dating and meeting people have evolved greatly. Overall, I thought it was a great experience and a unique way to meet and start getting to know someone outside of the typical date ideas like movies and dinner.”

BLISS: Any practical tips for singles who go on a blind date/stranger session shoot?

N: “My first tip is to remove any preconceived ideas you have about what could or should happen. In the age of social media, it becomes easy to compare our experiences with those we see scrolling down our timeline. We have to remember that first, our journey is uniquely ours. We can never walk in another person’s shoes and although we take similar steps, we will not always end up in similar places. Go into the shoot with an open mind and don’t put too much pressure on your expectations.

My next tip is to be yourself. I know that seems redundant, but I think it can become easy to allow nerves and anxiety to get the best of you in a situation such as a stranger session which then causes you to hide your best and true self. Being confident and authentic isn’t a sure way to have a shoot that ends in a relationship as social media would have us to think. It is rather a sure way to enjoy yourself while participating in a new and exciting experience. A potential love connection is just a bonus.

Lastly, my tip is to the photographers: I think if you have the option to do a questionnaire beforehand that aids in matching the right candidates, you should. I think this would maximize the potential of the shoot.”

Stranger session photography, blind date photoshootThank you Nakia for sharing your experience with us and for the motivation to try something out of the norm to meet new people—even in a year like this! Nakia is the owner of Lex Marcel, an online boutique currently serving curvy sizes 1X-3X.

Be sure to connect with her boutique on social media on Facebook: Lex Marcel Boutique and Instagram: @lexmarcelboutique




Hey BLISS fam! Would you participate in a stranger session photoshoot? Share your why or why not in the comments!

Nakia’s stranger session photographer is KeShaun Walker of Greensboro, NC.
Business: Demarcus Joseph Photography
Instagram: @rev.kdjwalker
Contact: | 336-404-5546

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