Black Love & Inspiration for Saved Singles
Relationship with God

To the dreamers in quarantine: don’t give up

Part 4 of the Stay at Home…Social Distancing Chronicles 

I tried that before and it fell through. Now is not the time to even think about trying something new. Stepping into uncertainty right now doesn’t make sense. And the listing of excuses for bypassing your dreams can go on and on…

Do you know how many things God wants to birth through each of us during this season?

If God placed a dream in your heart and it didn’t blossom on your first attempt, do not throw it away. Just because it never came to fruition does not mean that it will never happen. Perhaps God needs you to cultivate it a bit more so that it will exceed every requirement needed to meet the opportunity He has placed aside for you.

Years ago, a life-changing opportunity was presented to me that would have brought my dream to fruition. Against the prodding of the Holy Spirit, I shared my dream and the exciting opportunity with someone who I thought would be happy for me—who would pray for me and with me. The Spirit did not want me to share because He knew that the opportunity would not happen; He also knew that person’s heart.

“I learned that everyone in your life is not happy seeing you live out your dreams.”

God tried to protect me, but I didn’t listen to His voice and learned that everyone in your life is not happy seeing you live out your dreams. When things didn’t transpire, I was extremely disappointed and almost walked away from my dream. But something inside of me would not let me. I truly believe that constant nudge, nagging, and uneasy feeling inside of you that whispers not to give up and follow your God-given dream, is the Spirit of God. It’s important to listen to that warning voice, even if it makes no sense whatsoever.

God removed and replaced the person who could not be happy for me when it looked as if God had blessed me. As years passed, God revealed to me just how bad things would have been for me had my opportunity to become a reality. No, my dreams have yet to come to fruition, but I am still cultivating my dream until God releases His opportunity to me. I learned to protect my dreams and keep my mouth shut by moving in silence.

Some of you have unfulfilled dreams that have you wondering if God can and will release His purpose for you, especially right now. God gave you your dreams to fulfill your purpose for His glory. So stop looking through your physical lenses and start looking through your lenses of Faith governed by the Spirit. Stop limiting God. Stop counting yourself out. Stop allowing the condition of this world to be the governance of your dreams. Stop sharing your dreams with everyone around you. Stop just asking God to bless you and start receiving all of the blessings God has already placed in front of, beside, and behind you!

Whatever you do, do not give up on your dreams. Move forward. Take God at His Word when He says: with men this is impossible but with God all things are possible. See, I am doing a new thing!

Live your life more abundantly by allowing God to breathe life into every dry bone in your life, beginning with your dreams.

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