Black Love & Inspiration for Saved Singles
BLISSforSingles, Lynnette Easter, no regrets, Summer 2018
Relationship with God

This time, I will not miss out on God’s opportunity

Sometimes in life there are no such things as do-overs or second chances…

Time is on our side, so we think. Regret lets us know that time stands still for no one; that particular opportunity will not come back around. It was designed specifically for that moment in time and your decision comes with no clause for a do-over or second chance.

Oftentimes we have become so comfortable and extremely complacent with our routine in life that unknowingly, we live as if our life resides in the palms of our very own hands.

There are times in our lives when God interrupts our routine with an opportunity to do something out of the ordinary. I have found that this opportunity comes with “out-of-my norm” requirements. This is the main reason I initially back-peddle and say: “Oh no, I’m not doing that!” Why? Because of how it’s packaged. What I have encountered in numerous of my God-opportunities require me to step completely out of my comfort zone. As my strengths are placed to brew on the back burner, placed front and center for others to see is my vulnerability and weakest points.

What if our weaknesses are actually our strengths and our strengths are actually our weaknesses?  Just because we are good at what we do does not mean it is what we are destined to do. We can become locked into a set way of life until seeing life any other way is not an option for any of us.

What if the very thing that you despise….that you are running from…. holds the key to your breakthrough?

God knows the path He must lead us down so that we can fulfill our purpose in life. Our lives do not belong to us; there is a greater picture! What we view as the weakest and vulnerable parts of our lives are instruments used greatly by God to impact those we encounter in passing as we journey down the road to our God-ordained purpose in life.

That is why, for Christ’s sake. I delight in weaknesses, in insult, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Corinthians 12:10 NIV

We cannot become lackadaisical towards the opportunities God presents in our lives; too much is at stake. The devil uses many tactics: images of negative responses you may have encountered from a similar opportunity or a person’s words, actions and deeds. These mechanisms are used to pull you away from God’s will for your life. We must not allow our fears and our inability to see the full picture steal the opportunities God presents to us.

Rejecting God-opportunities changes the trajectory of our lives. Have you ever stopped and wondered: where you would be, at this very moment, had you not walked away from that opportunity God handed you. I have; I continually battle with regret. This is why we must fight through whatever it is that is pulling us away from the opportunity. We must honestly tell God why we oppose what He is presenting to us. We must comb through the Bible and continually quote the promises of God throughout our day, as often as needed. We must rebuke every lie the devil hurls our way.

God will never let us down; His opportunities will never harm us. So, choose to live a life of no regrets.

So, tell me…those who can relate to what I am saying…what do you do? Share in the comments below!

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  1. Leighann

    This. Wow–talk about it! Thanks for sharing and reminding us about not wasting time and sitting back while doors are being opened by God Himself. A word.

  2. Tisha

    I can relate 1000000%! It’s so much easier said than done to simply trust in God’s timing and plan for our life bc there is literally no one else that could do it better and things WILL work out! But as hard as it is, it’s not impossible and training our minds to do so will save so much heartache! Great post! I needed this reminder!

  3. Mamie

    “Rejecting God opportunities” yes! It is important to be led by the Holy Spirit so that we will know our seasons. It is dangerous to mistake a sowing season for a harvest season and vice versa. Cultivating an intimate relationship with Christ helps us to be aligned with His timing.

  4. Ayana

    Great read. So insightful. Perhaps I’m blocking God’s blessings by being so narrow-minded. Definitely need some re-evaluation on my end!

  5. Keisha

    THIS IS SO REAL!!! Going through it right now, and even though it is hard to completely step out on faith with the intention of walking into GOD’S purpose for my life, it’s something that had to be done, and though doubt may try to plague me at times ( I know it’s the enemy trying to confuse me), being uncomfortable to the point of HAVING TO DEPEND ON GOD is how I know that it is truly HIM!
    Thanks for sharing!!

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