Black Love & Inspiration for Saved Singles
BLISSforSingles, woman of God, single Christian women
Relationship with God

How to stop comparing and second guessing your God given greatness

By Lynnette Easter

“So, what do you do?”

“Well, I was created uniquely by God to fulfill my purpose which I am striving to do continually on a daily basis through every opportunity I see as open doors that God affords me.”

The statement to the question is so true. I have never stated it to anyone at all because usually, I just oblige the person by answering the question. Although I often wonder why the question: ‘What Do You Do?’ is even a conversational piece. Nonetheless, I find myself returning the favor by asking them the exact question they posed to me. The actual question is not what I oppose. The road the question leads me down is what I strongly dislike, as I am now asking myself ‘Why do I even care how I compare against the person who asked me this question?’ And just like that, I am sucked in and my comparison meter becomes activated.

For example, I began working on this post and shortly thereafter I was accepted into a Launch Group for an upcoming book. I was excited when I read the acceptance email and participated in the introduction preliminaries, which was very simplistic. As days passed by, I read as many introductions as I could and found myself saying, well maybe I should have included this aspect and that aspect in my intro. Then, I read one that caused me to say: Oh no, I am out of my league! After I made that statement, the Spirit of God reminded me of my topic for this post. Why? I was comparing myself.

Why must self-reservation sneak in time and time again? Why isn’t God’s stamp of approval more than enough?

Herein is where the devil lies, division through comparison. Unfortunately, there are people in the world who thrive off of comparing their lives against others. So they befriend with the intent of gaining insight into other people’s lives. They call it “pushing themselves to become the best,” which is not how God calls us to live the Christian life. We must give our life desires to God, align our desires with God’s will for our life, and follow God every step of the way.

God gifts us with opportunities; at the center of every opportunity is a destiny God carefully crafted for us.

Now, there are times in our lives when we doubt God because we view our abilities and feel that we are not as effective or equipped as those surrounding us. If we are not careful, we will find ourselves walking away from countless opportunities that hold our blessings and breakthroughs God has waiting for us.

It behooves us to stay out of God’s way and listen to the Spirit of God when He reveals a comparing spirit rising up within us. Immediately, ask God to remove that attribute then lay hold onto this truth: nothing that God creates can be compared because everything God touches is wonderful, which is how He made each and every one of us:

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:14

[bctt tweet=”Nothing that God creates can be compared because everything God touches is wonderful, which is how He made each and every one of us.” username=”blissforsingles”]

Have you ever been tempted to compare your life to others? How did you handle it?

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  1. Cara

    Tatianah this is a rich post, and so timely considering the day and age our culture is in! With the invent and advancement of social media in particular comparison is an insidious disease that sneaks up and takes hold of us even before we know it. And the sad and scary part is if we allow it to bling us we can miss out on those opportunities God has created specifically for us. Thats why I really loved this quote “God gifts us with opportunities; at the center of every opportunity is a destiny God carefully crafted for us.” God has a definite plan for our lives and it is every bit as fulfilling as anyone else’s we just have to recognize and embrace that! Great read!

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