Black Love & Inspiration for Saved Singles
BLISSforSingles, God is waiting on you
Relationship with God

It’s never too late: When God is waiting on you

(This is a discussion on Acts 7:17-36)

Eighty years. God held on to Moses for 80 years. When he was a baby, God sent Moses to Egypt so he didn’t lose his life in the “kill all the babies” plague. Then, Moses spent 40 years in Egypt, learning the ways of the oppressor, but he always knew who he was. After 40 years in Egypt, God put on his heart to visit his brethren, the children of Israel (Acts 7: 30), where he defended and avenged one of them from an Egyptian oppressor, thinking his brethren would vibe with him, and see why he did what he did. Moses thought they’d understand him, but they didn’t (v.25).

He was misunderstood by his people, but still, his heart was with his people. He couldn’t go back to pretending that he was a normal Egyptian; he was a descendant of Abraham. He couldn’t be both of those things, but the people most closely connected to the truth of who he was, didn’t understand him. How could they? All they knew him as was an Egyptian who murdered one of his own. They knew his persona, but they didn’t know the person.

And being all in his flesh, Moses fled Egypt. A palace…with a bed…and food…and clothes…and comfort – and dwelled in Midian – in the wilderness where he had two sons (v. 29). When you’re out there, thotting and bopping, trying to find yourself (and that was me), God still has a plan for your life, so He covers you…and waits for you to stop hurting and stop running.

Then, when another 40 years had passed, an Angel of the Lord appeared to Moses in a flame of fire in a bush (v. 30).

It’s never too late, y’all. God holds onto us. He waits for us to mature, to become desperate, to get our flesh out of the way, so He can call us into ministry and leadership. God waits. Eight years is a lifetime, even by Old Testament standards, but God waited a lifetime for Moses. Then when Moses surrendered, God restored all those years (Joel 2:25).

He’s not done. He still has a plan for your life. If you’re reading this, you have breath in your lungs, which means you still have a purpose. If you’re walking in your purpose, cool. I challenge you to send this to one person you know needs this. Someone who may think God has forgotten them:

[bctt tweet=”You didn’t waste time. The Lord will make your future days more rewarding under His Spirit.” username=”blissforsingles”]

If that someone is you, there is a simple prayer that will get you back on track:

Heavenly Father, I come to you now, in the name of Jesus. I believe that You died for me, but You rose again on the third day! Thank You for blessing me, protecting me, for making my life brand-new and all my dreams come true! In Jesus’ name, Amen!

“This Moses whom they rejected, saying, ‘Who made you a ruler and a judge?’ is the one God sent to be a ruler and a deliverer…” Acts 7:35

Moses is no better than any one of you reading this. It’s the same God, same power, same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, and the same anointing that allowed the apostles to do miracles that can live inside of you. All you have to do is surrender your walk to Him. He’s waiting…


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